Barry Houghton Actor

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Barry Houghton Actor. Janet Jones was born on January 10 1961 in Bridgeton Missouri USA as Janet Marie Jones. NA Husband Children Affairs Relationship.

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He is the voice actor for the main character of the series Cricket. Janet Jones was born on January 10 1961 in Bridgeton Missouri USA as Janet Marie Jones. Barrie Houghton 1941- - Theatre designer Actor and Artist.

1987 Armchair Theatre The Girl on the M1 Fred.

Janet Jones was born on January 10 1961 in Bridgeton Missouri USA as Janet Marie Jones. 1987 Armchair Theatre The Girl on the M1 Fred. Boasting a strong female cast including Judy Geeson 10 Rillington Place Stephanie Beacham Tam-Lin and Victoria Tennant Flowers in the Attic and co-financed by Run Run Shaw of the Shaw Brothers Inseminoidis among Norman J Warrens most widely seen films and his most infamous. See Houghton family Schuyler DeBarthe Ranson Grant born April 29 1970 is an American former actress best known for supporting roles in television including the popular Anne of Green Gables mini-series.
