Pontoon Lifting Strakes Kit. 43650 shipping shipping shipping. SeaDek Marine Sheet 40 x 80 Gray Teak Storm Gray on black Boat Non Skid 3M 6mm.

6 Lifting Strakes for Pontoon 23 - 24 Bi-Toon Inside and Out Kit MAX LIFT 122500 shipping shipping shipping. Why would lifting strakes make a difference in the hp rating. Bennington 22sslx underdeck wave shield on the waterWe ran the boat from 0-30 mph.
One thing that confuses me is that the brochure for my pontoon states a maximum hp rating of 150hp for my boat without lifting strakes but then states that with the lifting strakes option you can go up to 250hp.
Pontoon Sports Package If youre looking to increase passenger capacity and engine horsepower while maintaining a smooth ride the Sport Package might be the place to start. As a result you get a better performance overall as well as a smoother ride. I had lifting strakes added to my pontoons and as Ive mentioned here a few times there are leaks that resulted from the welds that are behind the strakes. The only other difference is that one is blue and the other is tan.